We host After School Program, a Summer Youth Program and have various holiday and community events geared towards our youth.
Tribal Higher Education Scholarship info:
Shoalwater Bay Higher Education Policy*Updated*
Higher Education Application Packet
Continuing Student Higher Education Application Packet
Ike Whitish Scholarship Info
Joey Harris Memorial Arts Scholarship Info
Bob Bojorcas Scholarship Info
Other scholarship Opportunities:
Washington Indian Gaming Scholarship
BestColleges.com Scholarship for Native American Students
Study.com helps improve the college experience for Indigenous students and their families to help make a college education more accessible in all fields of study. Below are several new scholarships that student can apply for until May 1st.
Study.com Scholarship for Indigenous Students
If you are a Native American or Alaskan student in pursuit of a master’s degree, check out this list of scholarships and resources to help pay for school:
30 Master’s Scholarships and Resources for Native American and Alaskan Students